2023 GMGSF College Scholars

We are proud to introduce the inaugural Girls Make Games College Scholars embarking on their
educational journeys at some of the top institutions in the US.


UC Berkeley ‘27


University of Southern California ‘27


Queen’s College ‘27

As part of the program, all 3 Scholars will receive:
$10,000 College Tuition Grant,
4 years of Mentorship,
Games Industry Internship & Job Placement Support through graduation

The 2023 GMGSF College Scholarship Program is made possible through the generous support from
PlayStation, Humble Bundle and the GMGSF community

Learn more about the GMGSF College Scholarship program here.

Meet the 2023 Scholars

Allena Oglivie

Hello everyone, I'm Allena Oglivie! I grew up in West Adam in Los Angeles and am now going to the bay area for UC Berkeley. Woo, go bears!

I'm Afro-Latina, half Panamanian, and all-black excellence. Every day is another chance for great opportunities and a chance to have fun.

Ultimately, I make sure to squeeze in anime and video game time. I can't wait to meet everyone.

Favorite Video Games: Hades by SuperGiant and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild

Monica Paredes

I grew up in South Central Los Angeles where I saw a community that bonded off of the games shared, I think that’s where my passion for games first began. For most of my life I went to a local neighborhood school until I switched to a public all girls school in West LA.

Being in such a school showed me the importance of having a sisterhood when exploring the STEM field, it is the type of community I always wish to surround myself in.

Now as I go to USC and explore game design I’m very excited to continue to learn and connect with others that have the same interests and goals!

Favorite Video Game: Unpacking

Nichole Lin

I'm Nichole, I have lived in New York City all my life and I'll be going to Queens College. I like to draw, play games, hang out with my friends, and matcha lattes.

I strongly believe that video games hold a unique position as a platform to reach an expansive audience. Video games are designed for many people no matter where you live or your age. It is this unparallel reach that fuels my ambition to become a game developer—an individual who can create experiences that leave an unforgettable, positive mark on the lives of others, just as games have done for me.

Favorite Video Games: Minecraft and Valorant

In their words

Receiving the GMGSF Scholarship means my dream of creating video games can be accomplished in a safe community. I am excited for my future in the program. ”
- Allena

Receiving the GMGSF scholarship means having a network of support as I enter a predominantly male dominated field. Not only has this scholarship made college something that is much more financially possible for me but it has given me the opportunity to be able to meet and connect with other girls with the same aspirations as me..”

Receiving the GMGSF scholarship means I'm open to opportunities to expand and learn what it takes to make games. I would also be able to get the chance to apply to internships that can help me gain more experience as a person, and in a work environment.”

2023 College Scholarship Judges Panel