Our Mission

We believe in giving every girl and woman the opportunity to discover their potential through gaming and game development.

Our Story

While women make up nearly half the gaming population, less than 24% of game developers in the US are women.

Girls Make Games was founded in 2014 to address this gender gap and create a space for girls to explore the world of video games. To date, nearly 25,000 girls in 160 cities and 22 countries have accessed gamedev workshops, summer camps, and tutorials. GMG's published titles have been downloaded over 190,000 times on partner platforms like PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Creators Program, Steam and Google Play.

We’re here to build upon the success of the past 9 years from GMG, our sister organization. By inspiring girls to engage with STEAM through the fun and creativity of game design, we’re creating a world where girls have the chance to discover their potential through gaming and gamedev.

Join us in our ambition to reach a million girls and women through the magic of game development - starting with 100,000 students by 2026.